
Showing posts from June, 2020

Lung 3 (天府) - The Lung Meridian

This point is usually used for coughing and nose bleed. It is also used for balancing the emotion. When a patient felt a sense of low self-worth, depression and disconnection from purpose, treatment using Lung 3 helps the patient feeling more like themselves. It is also used to treat dizziness.

Lung 2 (雲門) - The Lung Meridian

This is the second point in the Lung Meridian and mainly used for lung issues such as bronchitis and shortness of breath. It is also used for pain along the scapular

Lung 1 (中府) - The Lung Meridian

This is the first point in the Lung Meridian and mainly used for lung issues such as coughing and wheezing. It generally used in conjunctions with other acupuncture points. It is currently used by doctors in China during the pandemic, mainly to strengthen the immune system of patients who have been tested positive for Covid but do not yet present any symptoms. There are three sets of point being used interchangeably. 1) 合谷、太冲、天突、尺泽、孔最、足三里、三阴交 2) 大杼、风门、肺俞、心俞、膈俞 3) 中府 、膻中;气海、关元、中脘